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SWTOR Guides & Resources List


Codex Maps - Melodie's Codex Maps
Galactic Loremaster - Dulfy
MCR-99 Droid Reconaissance - Dulfy
Makeb "Making the Connection" - Dulfy
Makeb "Well Connected" - Dulfy

Cantina Tours

Atlanta, GA 2014 Cantina Tour - TORCommunity | Dulfy
Austin, TX 2013 Cantina Tour - Dulfy
Boston, MA 2014 Cantina Tour - Dulfy
Boulder, CO 2014 Cantina Tour - TORCommunity | Dulfy
Gamescom 2014 Cantina Tour - Dulfy
Los Angeles, CA (E3) 2014 Cantina Tour - Dulfy
Phoenix, AZ 2014 Cantina Tour - TORCommunity | Dulfy
San Diego, CA 2014 Cantina Tour - Dulfy
Seattle, WA (PAX Prime) 2014 Cantina Tour - TORCommunity | Dulfy
Vancouver, Canada 2014 Cantina Tour - Dulfy



Companions Gifts & Affection - TORCommunity | SWTOR Hub | Dulfy
Companion Customization - TORCommunity | SWTOR Spy | TOR Fashion
Obtaining HK-51 - Dulfy

Crew Skills

Complementary Crew Skills - TORCommunity
Companion Crafting Bonuses - TORCommunity
Leveling Guides

Gathering Resource Nodes - TORCommunity | TOR Decorating
Prefabs, War Supplies, & Dark Project Crafting - TORCommunity


Datacron Locations - TORCommunity | SWTORSpy | TOR Wiki


Bounty Contract Week - TORCommunity
Dark vs Light - TORCommunity
Life Day - TORCommunity
Nar Shaddaa Nightlife - TORCommunity
Relics of the Gree - TORCommunity
Rakghoul Resurgence - TORCommunity

Guild Conquest

Weekly Guild Conquest Results - SWTOR Conquest

Heroic Missions

Heroic Missions - TORCommunity
Heroic Mission Rewards - TORCommunity


Flashpoint Loot List -
Flashpoint Guides

Galactic Strongholds

Decorations List - TORCommunity
Galactic Strongholds and Unlock Prices - SWTOR Strongholds

Items & Gear Databases

Items Database - TORCommunity | Jedpedia
Gear Models - SWTOR Styles


Wallpapers - TORCommunity


Easter Eggs - TORCommunity
Guild Flagships and Unlock Prices - TORCommunity
Pets - Dulfy
Planetary Conquests - TORCommunity
Vehicles - TORCommunity


Operations Loot List - TORCommunity
Operations Guides


SWTOR Podcasts - The Bad Feeling Podcast | Corellian Run Radio | Enmity Podcasting | Old Republic Radio | OotiniCast | The Republic | Tor Noob | SWTOR Escape Pod Cast | TOROCast | Unnamed SWTOR Podcast


Custom User Interfaces - SWTOR UI
Reputation Calculator - TORCommunity
Discipline Builder - TORCommunity
SWTOR Combat Log Parsers - StarParse | Parsely

About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.