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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#3 Maintenance: 15 November 2017

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 14.11.2017 04:12PM
Quote: Originally Posted by CombatLord View Post
How come this date was not included in the post that had the dates for maintenance for the month of November?. And since we will be losing a couple of hours of double xp will you consider extending the double xp to compensate for the downtime?
That post is specifically for scheduled downtime. Tomorrow's maintenance is an "unscheduled" patch in order to address an issue which arose from United Forces. We do our best to have all changes happen inside of scheduled downtime but sometimes we need to expedite a change.

We won't be extending the double event that I am aware of, especially since it is a fairly quick downtime (only 2 hours, or less hopefully). However, keep in mind that we are running another double event at the end of the month to coincide with 5.6 launch. You won't have to wait too long for another "dose of double."

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