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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

My reunion with Andronikos was

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 23.01.2018 11:50AM
Originally Posted by Paulsutherland View Post
I'm getting another mission to go to the Alliance commander's room, after the initial cutscene. not sure what I'm suppose to interact with though.
Hey folks,

There is a known issue with the Andronikos, Risha, and Corso return missions released in 5.7. Players who meet certain conditions are granted an additional mission that they cannot complete.

This issue occurs for Players who:
  • Had previously romanced one of the returning characters (Andronikos, Risha, or Corso).
  • Romanced Theron after the release of KOTFE.
  • Chose to rekindle their original romance with one of the returning characters in 5.7.

Under these circumstances, the Player receives a mission called Things Left Unsaid which they cannot progress. This mission is a default one granted to any player who resumes a romance with a returning companion after having also romanced Theron, Koth, or Lana in KOTFE. Due to present circumstances, the mission cannot be completed with Theron for the time being. We will address this in an upcoming patch, and advise that those affected by the issue simply uncheck/hide the mission in their log for now.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

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