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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Galactic Seasons Feedback

Originally Posted by JackieKo ( Original Post ) | 22.03.2021 12:08PM
Hello everyone!

With PTS now live, you can now help test our new Galactic Season! If you missed the announcement, a full breakdown of how the system works can be found here. As this is a robust system, we will be breaking down PTS testing and feedback gathering over the course of the next few weeks to test the functionality of the UI and rewards. Note that Cartel Coin purchases have been disabled to avoid anyone accidentally spending their live currency on a test server. Please dont even attempt to spend your coins, as they will be lost if it succeeds!

This first PTS update will focus on the natural leveling experience:

Players will begin at Reward Level 0 and make progress through the system naturally by completing daily and weekly objectives. You will not be able to purchase any catch-up levels by spending credits during the first week, and will only be able to progress by doing Objectives.

The new Galactic Season vendor will be live on the Fleets, however until you earn any Galactic Season tokens, you wont be able to purchase anything from him. His selection varies weekly though, so feel free to check him out each week!

To use the system:
Open the Login Rewards window (the checkbox in the upper-left of your screen), and youll see the new Galactic Seasons tab at the top! Your primary activities are the Daily and Weekly objectives in the upper-right of the window. Clicking these will pop you over to the Conquests window, where youll find Priority (P0) objectives that grant Galactic Seasons points. This is the primary way to gain progress in the season, and will point players to different locations daily/weekly.

Please answer the following questions:
  • Were you able to find the Galactic Seasons page?
  • Were you able to locate your Galactic Seasons Priority Objectives in the Galactic Seasons screen?
  • In the Conquest screen there is a list of tentative Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives. These are all denoted as "PO: Name". What feedback do you have regarding the current list of objectives?
  • How do you feel about the cadence and points offered in GS?
  • What other general feedback would you would like to tell us?
Future PTS builds will allow you to test out the catch-up system so that you can purchase levels, and well eventually turn on the credit boosters on PTS so that you can grab infinite credits to test out all 100 levels.

When we have a new PTS build with new changes, I will be posting another thread to gather all of your feedback. For this week, please answer the questions above and provide any other feedback, bugs, etc here.

Thank you!
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