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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Operative and Sniper on the PTS!

Originally Posted by JackieKo ( Original Post ) | 24.08.2021 03:11PM
Hello everyone,

Welcome to the next phase of PTS featuring the Sniper and Operative Combat Styles. In case you missed it, we go through a bit of the philosophy behind the updates were making to Combat Styles in this article.

As with the Jedi Knight, we are still focused on streamlining ability sets in order to enable more player choice and maintain the unique identity of the class. All the constructive feedback we have been receiving from players who have dived into PTS has been helpful in identifying what experiences are crucial to players.

This phase of PTS will be slightly different than previous phases that have been tested. This will be the first time that players will see the work in progress (WIP) UI for the ability tree. You will no longer need to speak to a droid to select your Discipline. This is also the same for Guardian and Sentinel.

As always, please keep in mind the following reminders and a couple of new notes:
  • You will be be capped at level 75
  • Character copy is still not available at this time
  • Set bonuses are not enabled during this phase of PTS. Gear will still grant you their stats, but the set bonuses will not work.
  • Most ability mods are functional, but some will be marked as [IN DEV] to clarify that some may be in various stages of development and not 100% functional.
  • As the ability tree is a WIP, please note that some icons are duplicated.
One note I did want to add was regarding the feedback we have seen about gearing for PTS. The current experience is that players have to take some additional time to gear to their liking, and that is intentional. While 306 gear could be provided, customizable stats would not be available, so we opted to allow players to customize their stats to match their live experience as closely as possible. As we continue to release 7.0 content to be tested, we will continue to look for ways to make it simpler for players to gear up on PTS.

Additionally, I wanted to reiterate in this post that level 3 Speeder Level Piloting is granted at the Onderon Daily Board. Be sure to travel to Onderon to acquire this before venturing out to test any of the available Combat Styles.

For details on how to access the PTS server, please go here

For details on how to try out Sniper and Operative, please go here.

Feedback threads can be found in the following places:
Be sure to check out the Status Update post as well. I have added a Change Log that covers changes that were made to Guardian and Sentinel and have updated the known issues there.

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