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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Warzone AoE Interrupt Change Feedback Thread

Originally Posted by AlexModny ( Original Post ) | 18.06.2015 09:31AM
Hello PvPers!

First, let me thank and congratulate yall on the successful PTS tests last weekend. We were blown away by how many of you showed up just to test Warzones (yes and get some coins and hunt us down :P) and it further cements the passion that this community has in our eyes. Definitely a pleasure to witness and be a part of.

Now to the nuts and bolts.

The AoE Interrupt change will not be going into Live in 3.3. We have read tons of feedback, looked at metrics, added in our own experiences and we feel that the change doesnt do enough to positively alter the gameplay in Warzones and therefore it is not worth it to go through with the change.

Despite the change, we did see an increase in stalemates on PTS but we are attributing that to the increased healer population. Typically on Live, healers make up ~20% of the queue but on PTS last weekend they made up ~27%. The ~7% increase in healer population led to increased healing, which led to more characters being alive and able to defend/attack and thus increased stalemates. We dont want to overreact to this because the makeup of the queue was not what would be considered normal but we are keeping an eye on the healing numbers in Warzones and arenas to make sure it doesnt lead to stalemated matches.

We are going to keep an eye on things and possibly in the future take another PTS-focused stab at a change to decrease stalemates in certain Warzones post-3.3. We will use the same format and wont push such a change to Live unless we are confident it is having a positive impact. Thank you again for all the feedback, discussion, your time on the PTS and dedication to PvP.

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