- Details
- Category: Companion Guides
- Last Updated: Friday, February 6th, 2015
- Published: Wednesday, February 4th, 2015
- Written by SWTOR.com, Hayward, and Chemayla
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Family: Sister and Mother, fate unknown
Known Associates: Taunt, Flash, Plasmajack
Romance: Yes
Few people have seen as much of the galaxy as Vette and few have had as little control of their destiny. Vette was separated from her family at an early age and sold to a series of minor crime lords. When legendary pirate lord Nok Drayen utterly destroyed her latest owner's holdings, Vette and the other slaves were given their choice of freedom or joining up with Nok. Vette became a pirate, travelling the known worlds and learning to get in and out of places she wasn't allowed.
Years later Nok Drayen mysteriously and suddenly released all of his people from service. Vette was left on Nar Shaddaa where she joined up with other young, idealistic Twi'leks and used her criminal abilities to rob and ruin those who exploited Ryloth's cultural artifacts and people. An unquenchable spark, Vette is older than her years but far from mature, delighting in silly pranks and always ready to laugh at people who think too much of themselves.
Quick Facts
Available to: Sith Warrior
Bonuses: +5 Treasure Hunting Critical, +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency
Likes: Anti-authority behavior, protecting the weak, treasure and getting paid
Dislikes: Bullying, killing innocents, kissing up
Primary Stat: Cunning
Secondary Stat: Endurance
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
- Courting:
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Imperial Memorabilia: Like
- Luxury:
- Military Gear: Indifferent
- Republic Memorabilia: Like
- Technology: Like
- Trophy: Indifferent
- Underworld Good: Love
- Weapon: Like

Custom 1

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 2

Security Key Vendor
12,500 Credits
Custom 3

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 4

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 5

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 6

Collector's Edition Vendor
2,000 Credits
Custom 7

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 8

Ilum, Belsavis, Taris, Balmorra
12,500 Credits
Custom 9

Contraband Resale Corp
Newcomer - 15,000 Credits
Note: Parts of this guide were taken directly from the official SWTOR website.