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Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.3.1

Get your hands on some Cartel Coins and check out new items live in the Cartel Market this week!
Tython Highlander Armor Set

Available Now!

(Weapon not included with armor.)

Dark Interrogator Armor Set

Available Now!

(Visor color changes based upon equipped color crystal. Visor color brightens when entering combat stance. Weapon not included with armor set.)

M-35 Shadow

Available Now!

(Weapon not included with armor.)

Dark Interrogator Armor Set

Available Now!

(Visor color changes based upon equipped color crystal. Visor color brightens when entering combat stance. Weapon not included with armor set.)

M-35 Shadow

Available Now!

(Mount has a four-turret firing flourish. Engine colors change based upon equipped color crystal.)

BP-4 Vigilance Blaster Pistol

Available Now!

(Weapon lights change based upon equipped color crystal.)

BR-4 Vigilance Blaster Rifle

Available Now!

(Weapon lights change based upon equipped color crystal.)

SR-4 Vigilance Sniper Rifle

Available Now!

(Weapon lights change based upon equipped color crystal.)

Gravity Anomaly Weapon Tuning

Available Now!
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